Seniors Get Busy
So What is All The Buzz About Being Busy?
Do you remember the days when you were wishing for more time to yourself? When between family, working and life in general you just seemed to go non-stop? You may have spent time waiting for vacations so that you had some down time. Sometimes, it felt like you were wishing your days away.
Now fast forward.
You are at a point in your life where you have more time or know you should. Perhaps you have retired or gone to part-time work. Maybe you are still working because you love it or maybe financially you have to. Your family has grown and possibly moved away.
So now what?
Well, statistics show that seniors are busier today than ever. Many are still working beyond the typical age of 65.
Some opt to care for grandkids to help their children out while others play an active role with the evening and weekend events of youngsters. Most of the time, enjoying grandchildren is always good for the soul.
Do you agree?
For some, health ailments have you spending way too much time at appointments.
Regardless of what may keep you busy, this is YOUR time.
Time to do what YOU want, or complete those items on your bucket list.
Still thinking I don’t have time?
Well, think back again to when you were younger and extremely busy and I bet you will see you should have more time for you, you just need to make it happen.
In addition to the fact that it always feels good to do what we want to do, it is a proven fact that active and busy seniors have a more fulfilled life.
So what are you waiting for?
Sign up for that class at your local senior citizen centre. Go there to play cards, sports, bingo, shuffle board or just socialize. While you are there, check out any volunteering opportunities as we know that volunteering can actually add years to your life.
Create that garden you always wanted, start your own business, travel, join a club or take a class. Learning is never out of style!
Gyms now are full of seniors getting fit. Enjoy a casual swim, a walk on the treadmill or an exercise class.
Just get busy doing what you want to do!
Do you have partner who doesn’t like venturing out? Or maybe you live alone? That’s okay, you are doing this for YOU…so get out there and find something you enjoy doing. You will be amazed at how many people are in the same boat and looking for someone to do the same thing with.
Whether you feel you are busy now or not, find time everyday to do something you love and watch what happens.
Please share your stories about what you like to do to stay busy and what you would LOVE to find time to do.
Cheers to having more time and fun!
Your Seniors Lifestyle Care Team

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