For the Love of Retirement
Retired, Ready to or Want to Be?
We have had some request from members about retirement. Some miscellaneous, others specific questions and the rest just curiosity about what others are doing or planning.
So here is our take on such an important matter and we hope you will share, provide feedback, suggestions and comments so we can continue to provide helpful insights to our members – YOU!
Like any major milestone in life planning is key and for some of us we have planned for this, while others simply have gotten caught up in life or unexpected things have happened causing us to not plan as well. Remember the good old sayings, “better late than never” or “something is better than nothing.” Let’s go with those!
Whether you are retired, or trying to retire or not sure if you will retire, below are links to various articles on retirement including a checklist to see if you are ready. The articles share some great ideas on how to enjoy retirement, how to plan and then retirement in general.
We hope you enjoy these! Feel free to let us know which one you like the most! And please share this email with your family and friends that may be having retirement blues or questions.
Knowledge is powerful!
Your Pre-Retirement Checklist is Here!
The Best Things About Modern Retirement
Feel free to share your retirement plans and stories! What worked, what is working, what isn’t? How do you keep buys? How do you plan to keep busy? Are you anxious or optimistic about retirement?
Your Seniors Lifestyle Care Team
p.s. here is a ‘for ladies only’ article for our lovely lady members OR for the guys who want to help their ladies out!
How Women Can Improve Their Retirement Outlook
p.p.s if you are thinking of reaching out to a financial planner, check out the Premium Member benefits on
You will see some great strategic partners of ours who can help you. Then go Premium!

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